Free Downloadable Guides


I strive to create the most value and available resources for you to create happiness and health in your own life. I will routinely add more free guides and resources to this list, so keep your eyes open!


The Ultimate Mind | Body | Spirit Guide

An in-depth approach towards optimizing, develop, and integrate your Mind, Body & Spirit to unlock your true potential, with proven resources, methods, and steps to making progress, today. If you implement even 20% of this guide, your life will improve by 80%.

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The 6 Foundational Principles of Health

Download this guide to learn the foundational knowledge to create a sustainable approach towards well-being using basic strategies that have the biggest influence on our health: Sleep, Diet, Hydration, Movement, Breath, and Thoughts. Start the journey towards happiness and health today.

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3 Exercises To Fix Rounded Shoulders

Download this guide to 3 Exercises and methods to reverse your rounded shoulders and have better, more aligned posture and shoulder function to keep you resilient and healthy all day long!

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Assess Your Breath

Learn how to assess your own breath, learn efficient strategies to correct your breathing habits and three amazing techniques/patterns of breathing to ramp you up for a workout/midday energizer or to calm you down at night or in a stressful situation.


Are you:

  • Tired of feeling like shit

  • Being inconsistent with your exercise routine

  • Not having an organized plan

    My Exercise and Lifestyle Coaching may be right for you then. I help people like you create a completely personalized approach towards a happy and healthy life. If you’re interested, sign up for a free phone consultation below.
