Health and Happiness Coaching


The Approach

No two people are the same. Each of us has a unique set of past experiences, responsibilities, skills, dysfunctions, traumas, and values which have compounded and grown into who we are today. We also acquire a unique set of reasons and problems that lend us to seek out help in regards to our physical, nutritional, and emotional well-being.

To connect, coach, and see if you qualify for one of my coaching experiences, we will speak, in-person or on the phone, in-depth, about where you are currently at in life, where you have been and where you want to go. Priorities, past experiences, goals, support system, etc. THE WHOLE SHA-BANG to:

#1 - Let you EXPERIENCE what what coaching feels like, my style and support I can offer

#2 - Give me the most effective experience of what YOU want and where YOU are at.

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in pursuing or want to learn more about the services I offer, please use the link below to sign up for a call with me to discuss