The Last 4 Doctors You’ll Ever Need

Who Are My 4 Doctors?


I wanted to share with you guys a method of self examination I learned from the CHEK Institute and Paul Chek that teaches you to become more aware and sensitive to what your body is telling you, through the 4 Doctors. 

Paul created this system based upon the ancient Greek physician and philosopher Hypocrates, who routinely saw patients and found that most had the majority of their issues stemming from one area of their life being one of the first recorded doctors to base his recommendations of observations and clinical findings. 


Hippocrates focused on three sections of their life, looking for which was the most misaligned and causing an array of symptoms and issues in the mind and body. He looked at their  diet, rest and core values, leading to Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet, and Dr. Happiness. 

“But Matt,” you might say,” Thats only 3 doctors???”. Paul added Dr. Movement to your panel of Ph.D’s due to the increasing sedentary lifestyle we have in 2019, causing a myriad of chronic diseases and dysfunctions. In 400 B.C., washing your clothes and obtaining water was an endeavor in itself and could be considered a workout by today’s standards, leading to movement and activity levels not causing the majority of someones ailments. 

When we truly start living, we feel and hear our Four Doctors speaking to us through our inner-voice. With a little training you can learn to hear the Doctors, helping you understand the symptoms you’re facing and their causes, providing you with the tools and guidance you need to transform into growth and well being.