Always Evolving to become a better learner, lover, and mover.


Where you can find all things about Matt. The life-long learner and mover, science-obsessed adventurer, avid ice hockey player, and holistic lifestyle coach, here to help you understand more about yourself though curiosity and self-exploration to help optimize your experience.


I chose this type of work because I truly love helping people live a more fulfilled and happy life through finding more about themselves and changing what they did on a daily basis to have an astounding affect on their health and overall well-being. I am devoted to the journey of constantly upgrading my knowledge and tools to help others towards their optimal state.

So, if you are curious as to how I got to this point, enjoy :)

I grew up with a very exploratory mind, always loving being outside in the sun and in the grass, practicing hockey skills, rollerblading, shooting archery or air-soft guns, or playing wiffleball. Activity wasn’t an issue for me, diet choices were.

I frequently remember leaving ice-hockey practice as a boy and devouring a McDonald’s milkshake, nuggets, burger and fries, several times a week, along with minimal vegetables and a buffet of processed food. I don’t blame myself or the people giving me these foods, but unfortunately this led to me becoming obese as a 10 year old with many unhealthy lifestyle choices.

This time and state was also coupled with my parents getting a divorce which didn’t have the biggest impact on me at the time, but in the years to come, had a profound effect on my family relationships and relationship with myself.

However, a dedicated love for knowledge of the arts and sciences helped me incredibly. I LOVED animals, of all sorts. I was obsessed with all the different colors, kinds and abilities of the species that inhabit this lovely planet, which I believe started my love for evolution and human physiology.


When I was in 8th grade, while snowboarding through a wooded section of the trail, I impacted a tree with my right leg, shattering my femur into a few pieces. Not a fun time. Days later, I am part bionic with a titanium rod though my leg, in a wheelchair, watching my teammates from the stands.

Rehabilitating through this injury led me to train at Umberger’s Performance , where I trained with some of the highest level athletes around, several of which who are playing professional hockey now. This started my interest into strength and conditioning, coupled with a love for biology, leading to my interest into human anatomy and physiology.

I attended The Pennsylvania State University in 2014, as I had bled Blue and White my entire life, attending countless football games, and family members attending. There I studied Kinesiology, with a concentration on the Movement Sciences. This is where shit started to get real.

I met some incredible people, some of which I will never forget, as well as some teachers and mentors who inspired me to become the person I am today. I studied things like biomechanics, exercise physiology, neurophysiology, the science of training athletes, and the philosophy of sport and play. However some of the best learning experiences came from teaching

I taught Bio 142: Physiology Lab for 6 semesters, running my own hands-on lab with 16-20 students. It truly was so rewarding, helping students as a peer learn and grasp concepts and relating it to evolution and natures ability to never do something without purpose. I also TA’d a kinesiology based anatomy lab, which focused on the musculo-skeletal system, teaching lessons on various body parts, muscles, administering practicals, and even showing students what we were learning on cadavers, which I was fortunate enough to dissect in my junior year.

During school I worked a assistant physical therapist at a chiropractic rehabilitation center as well as interning for the smartest and most intelligent man I know Dr. Jon Corneal at Integrative Healthcare in State College, PA.

Jon is an Chiropractor with a specialty in Applied Kinesiology, which combines knowledge and application from several different domains such as physical therapy, acupuncture and meridian therapy, and chiropractic care. Studying under him helped me develop the passion for holistic care of the mind and body, which did not focus solely the the physical body but also the mental and emotional aspects of health and wellness.

After graduating, I decided to move to Marietta, Georgia to attend Life University to get my Doctorate in Chiropractic Care and study further in Applied Kinesiology. After moving and looking into the cost, time, and lack of application of knowledge in a practical setting, I decided not to attend. However, I would start the 4 year journey to become a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach and CHEK Practitioner through the CHEK Institute, founded by the legend Paul Chek.

Today, I am working in the Charleston, SC area as a Holistic Health Practitioner, serving the community and refining my skills.

Hopefully you enjoyed an introduction into my childhood, inspirations, and education. Thanks for staying along on the ride with me!

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