The Single Arm TRX Row and Why I Love Suspension Trainers

The TRX Single Arm Row with Shoulder Abduction and Rotation - or as I like to call it - The TRX “Reach and Open” is a brutal back, shoulder and core exercise for any skill level.⁣

I love TRX/suspension trainers because they have such a low barrier for modifying the level on intensity of an exercise.⁣

Picture this, you’re squatting at 80% 1RM intensity and are looking to squat 10 reps. At the 5th rep you realize you are way too fatigued to finish the set with perfect form so you rack the bar at the 6th rep. Imagine if you could easily take off 10% and finish those last 4 reps???⁣

The TRX makes it as easy as moving your feet a few inches back to make a HUUUGE change in the level of intensity in seconds so you can finish those last reps with perfect form.⁣

You also don’t need any fancy equipment, just a TRX and somewhere to hang it.⁣

Here are some tips to give this great unilateral exercise a try 📚⁣

🔹 Always start single sided exercises on the weaker side so it dictates how many the strong side does⁣

🔹 Begin at the very top of the movement so that you are comfortable in the position that you should end the movement in⁣

🔹Stay perpendicular to the strap until you finish the row, then open into rotation, then close the rotation, and row⁣

🔹Focus on engaging the obliques specifically to stabilize the hips, core and shoulders together

Give these a try and let me know what ya think!

Matt Grebosky